How To Submit Blog To Google Webmaster Tool

Webmaster tool is a web service that tells the search engines about your blog content, if you launched a new blog then submitting it to different webmaster tools allows it to appeared in search results efficiently. On the other hand, this tool also allows you to track your blog performance like how blog is appearing in search result, checking for broken links, finding keywords that gives maximum CTR and much more.

Generally, Google drives most traffic to the blog that's why this tutorial is about to submit blog to Google Webmaster tool only.

If your blog already listed in webmaster then you can increase blog performance with following articles.

What is the Use Of Webmaster Tool

Webmaster tools allows you to optimize your blog performance in number of ways.
  • Helps in finding blog content more efficiently.
  • Checks the indexing status of pages.
  • Checks for broken links.
  • Count the number of internal and external links.
  • Predict the keyword densities in your blog.
  • Block some pages with robot.txt.
  • Helps in improving your blog structure.

How To Add Blog To Google Webmaster

Blogger blogs have no need to add in webmaster because both Blogger and Webmaster are offered by Google itself so Blogger blogs are automatically added. To check whether you has been added or not go to.
  1. Webmaster tool from here.
  2. Sign in using Google id and password.
  3. If you find a screenshot of your blog then your blog has been submitted but if you don't find it, click on ADD A SITE button.

  1. A new window will popup, paste your blog address in provided text box and click Continue button.
  2. Now it will ask you to verify the ownership of this blog. You can choose any method to verify but lets do it will simplest one. In Alternate methods option, select HTML tag and copy the complete meta tag.

  1. You have to place this code within the <head> section of your blog so if you are using Blogger then go to Blogger dashboard / Template /  Edit HTML.
  2. And add the copied code just below the <head> section.
  3. Save the template.
  4. Now go back to webmaster window and click Verify button.
Your blog has been added to webmaster tool now you have to submit a sitemap to it.

How To Submit A Sitemap To Google

Sitemap is nothing but a XML file that list all the pages of your blog. Google robot will find your content more intelligently if you submit a sitemap for your blog.
  1. In Webmaster tool dashboard, click on your blog preview icon.
  2. Choose Optimization /  Sitemaps from left side menu.

  1. Click on ADD/Test SITEMAP button and paste the following code in the appeared box.
But remember that it allows search engine to index first 500 pages on your blog when you feel that the pages on your blog become greater than 500 then add another code as.

It will allow search engine to index next 500 pages of blog.

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